Desarrollamos proyectos propios de investigación y promovemos la interacción de académicos de diversas áreas de la economía, con particular énfasis en microeconomía.
Asimismo, difundimos los hallazgos y el aporte de la ciencia económica mediante la docencia y el desarrollo de iniciativas de diseminación.
Lima School of Economics, in association with Vancouver School of Economics, organizes the Lima Summer School in Economics on a yearly basis. Participants can attend mini courses on advanced and relevant topics in Economics taught by leading international researchers. Lima Summer School is a great opportunity for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students in Latin America to interact with and learn from a world-class faculty. It also offers recent graduates and practitioners in economics the opportunity to develop and strengthen their areas of expertise.
The 2020 Lima Summer School in Economics will include the following topics: Empirical Methods in Causal Inference for Policy Analysts, Empirical Topics in Labour Economics: identification issues, minimum wages and the impacts of immigration, and Economic Evaluation Methods in Health: Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA). The Faculty is composed by professors from Vancouver School of Economics as well as by associated members of Lima School of Economics.
The 2019 Lima Summer School in Economics will include the following topics: Empirical Research in Economic History: Recent Topics and Methodologies, Economics of Strategy, and The Economics of Incentives in Public and Private Organizations. The Faculty is composed by professors from Vancouver School of Economics as well as by associated members of Lima School of Economics.
The 2018 Lima Summer School in Economics will include the following topics: Regression Discontinuity Designs, Empirical Analysis of Wage Differences: Discrimination and Decomposition Methods, and Behavioral Economics Applied to Healthcare. The Faculty is composed by professors from Vancouver School of Economics as well as by associated members of Lima School of Economics.
The 2017 Lima Summer School in Economics will include the following topics: Identification Issues in Applied Econometrics, Taxation and Pension System Reform, and Banking and Corporate Finance in Emerging Economies. The Faculty is composed by professors from Vancouver School of Economics as well as by associated members of Lima School of Economics.
The 2016 Lima Summer School in Economics included three courses: Economics of Nonrenewable Resources: Overview and Recent Developments; Economics of Competition Policy; and Advanced Topics in Policy Evaluation and Research Design in Economics. The Faculty of the 2016 edition was formed by professors from Vancouver School of Economics as well as by associated members of Lima School of Economics: Dr. Brian Copeland (PhD Stanford University), Dr. Thomas Ross (PhD University of Pennsylvania) and Dr. Jose Galdo (PhD. University of Syracuse).
The life-cycle growth of plants: The role of productivity, demand and wedges
Marcela Eslava - Universidad de los Andes
Priors rule: When do
malfeasance revelations help or hurt incumbent parties?
Pablo Querubín - New York University
Is the market on screen still the market?
Ramazan Gençay - Simon Fraser University
Optimal Bandwidth Choice for Robust Bias Corrected
Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs
Sebastian Calonico - University of Miami
Exporting Uncertainty: The Impact of Brexit on Corporate America
Murillo Campello - Cornell University
School Quality and Behavioral Responses
Jorge Agüero - University of Connecticut
How Ownership Changes Affect Behavior and Outcomes: Evidence from Dialysis Facility Acquisitions
Ryan McDevitt - Duke University
Relational Mechanisms of Reconigtion in Peer-Based Tournament Rituals
Gino Cattani - NYU Stern
Repayment behaviour in group lending with unobserved types: An application to India
Resolving ambiguity as a public good:
Experimental evidence from Guyana
Sonia Laszlo - McGill University
The Lima School of Economics and the Economics Department of Universidad de Piura (UDEP), in collaboration with Vancouver School of Economics (University of British Columbia) are pleased toannounce the nineth UDEP Workshop for Young Economists.
In 2022, it will be held on August 18-19, at the Lima campus of UDEP.
Call for papersEste evento convoca a economistas peruanos que hayan completado recientemente su tesis doctoral o estén próximos a concluirla. El propósito es que presenten su investigación y la enriquezcan con los comentarios del resto de participantes. La periodicidad de este evento es bienal. Desde el primer workshop, más de 40 economistas de más de 25 universidades de Norteamérica y Europa han expuesto sus proyectos de tesis doctoral.
El VIII International Workshop for Young Economists se realizará de manera virtual el 6 y 7 de agosto de 2020. El plazo para el envío de papers se encuentra abierto hasta el 17 de Julio de 2020.
Ver más informaciónThe economics department at Universidad de Piura aims to produce cutting-edge research in economics. As part of this goal, it has organized seven international workshops for young economists since 2007. To complement this effort, it is now inviting applications for its Second Young Visiting Scholar program, as we recognize the growing importance of gathering and connecting young scholars from the best academic institutions in the world.
The Young Visiting Scholar program offers the following benefits:
This first call is for the period January-September 2020. The minimum length of the stay is three months. We may accept up to 2 visiting scholars.
Call for applicationsEste evento convoca a economistas peruanos que hayan completado recientemente su tesis doctoral o estén próximos a concluirla. El propósito es que presenten su investigación y la enriquezcan con los comentarios del resto de participantes. La periodicidad de este evento es bienal. Desde el primer workshop, 40 economistas de más de 25 universidades de Norteamérica y Europa han expuesto sus proyectos de tesis doctoral.
El VII International Workshop for Young Economists se realizará el 2 y 3 de agosto de 2018 en el marco del V Congreso Anual de la Asociación Peruana de Economía, el cual tendrá lugar en el campus Piura de la Universidad en Piura. El plazo para el envío de papers se encuentra abierto hasta el 30 de abril de 2018.
Los siguientes documentos presentan más información:
Call for papersCabral, L., & Natividad, G.
Bundling Sequentially Released Durable Goods. Forthcoming, Journal of Industrial Economics.
Garmaise, M. J., & Natividad, G.
Financial Flexibility: At What Cost? Journal
of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 56(1), 249-282.
Carpio, Miguel Angel & Guerrero, María Eugenia
Did the Colonial Mita Cause a Population Collapse? What Current Surnames Reveal in Peru. The Journal of Economic History, 2021, 81(4), 1015-1051.
Cabral, L., & Natividad, G.
Movie release strategy: Theory and evidence from
international distribution. Journal of Economics & Management
Strategy, 29(2), 276-288.
Salazar, L., Aramburu, J., Agurto, M., Maffioli, A., & Fahsbender, J.
Sweeping the flies away: evidence from a fruit fly eradication program. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 47(5), 1920-1962.
Natividad, Gabriel
"Stunted firms: The long-term impacts of colonial taxation". Journal of Financial Economics, 2019, Volume 134, Issue 3, pp. 525–548.
Agurto Adrianzén, Marcos; Fiestas, Hugo; Nuñez, Wenceslao; Quevedo, Valeria and Vegas, Susana
"Study-group diversity and early college academic outcomes: Experimental evidence from a higher education inclusion program in Peru". Economics of Education Review, 2019, Volume 72, pp. 131–146.
Vera, Celia P.
"A Structural Approach to Assessing Retention Policies in Public Schools". The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2019, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 1–26.
Martínez-Carrasco, Miguel A. and Amodio, Francesco
"Input Allocation, Workforce Management and Productivity Spillovers: Evidence From Personnel Data". The Review of Economic Studies, 2018, Volume 85, Issue 4, pp. 1937–1970.
Salas, Vania and Patel-Campillo, Anouk
"Un/associated: Accounting for gender difference and farmer heterogeneity among Peruvian Sierra potato small farmers". Journal of Rural Studies, 2018, Volume 64, pp. 91–102.
Garmaise, Mark and Natividad, Gabriel
"Consumer Default, Credit Reporting and Borrowing Constraints". Journal of Finance, 2017, Volume 72, Issue 5, pp. 2331–2368.
Neelsen, Sven and O'Donnell, Owen
"Progresive universalism? The impact of targeted coverage on health care access and expenditures in Peru". Journal of Health Economics, 2017, Volume 26, Issue 12, pp. 1479–1868.
Bernal, Noelia; Carpio, Miguel and Klein, Tobias
"The effects of access to health insurance: Evidence from a regression discontinuity design in Peru". Journal of Public Economics, 2017, Volume 154, pp. 122–136.
Natividad, Gabriel
"Quotas, Productivity, and Prices: The Case of Anchovy Fishing ". Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2016, Volume 25, Issue 1, pp. 220–257
Cabral, Luis and Natividad, Gabriel
"Cross-selling in the US home video industry". The RAND Journal of Economics, 2016, Volume 47, Issue 1, pp. 29–47.
Natividad, Gabriel and Rawley, Evan
"Interdependence and Performance: A Natural Experiment in Firm Scope". Strategy Science, 2016, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 12–31
Fracassi, Cesare, Garmaise, Mark, Kogan, Shimon and Natividad, Gabriel
"Business Microloans for U.S. Subprime Borrowers". Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2016, Volume 51, Issue 1, pp. 55–83
Cabral, Luis and Natividad, Gabriel
"Box-Office Demand: The Importance of Being #1". The Journal of Industrial Economics, 2016, Volume 64, Issue 2, pp. 277–294
Garmaise, Mark and Natividad, Gabriel
"Spillovers in Local Banking Markets". Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 2016, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 139–165.
DeRose, Laurie F.; Huarcaya, Gloria; Salazar-Arango, Andrés; Agurto, Marcos; Corcuera, Paúl; Gonzalvo-Cirac, Marga and Tarud, Claudia
"Children’s Living Arrangements and On-time Progression Through School in Latin America and the Caribbean". Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 2017, Volume 38, Issue 2, pp. 184-203.
Martínez-Carrasco, Miguel A.
"Behavioral Spillovers in Organizations: A Selective Review", in Sebastian J. Goerg, John R. Hamman (ed.) Experiments in Organizational Economics (Research in Experimental Economics, Volume 19). Emerald Group Publishing Limited, (2016) pp. 251-280
Natividad, Gabriel and Sorenson, Olav
"Competitive threats, constraints, and contagion in the multiunit firm." Organization Science 26 (2015): 1721-1733
Agurto Adrianzén, Marcos
"Social capital and improved stoves usage decisions in the Northern Peruvian Andes." World Development 54 (2014): 1-17.
Bernal, Noelia and Vermeulen, Frederic
"The impact of an increase in the legal retirement age on the effective retirement age." De Economist 162.2 (2014): 115-145.
Natividad, Gabriel
"Integration and productivity: Satellite-tracked evidence." Management Science 60.7 (2014): 1698-1718.
Agurto Adrianzén, Marcos
"Improved cooking stoves and firewood consumption: Quasi-experimental evidence from the Northern Peruvian Andes." Ecological Economics 89 (2013): 135-143.
Calvo, Cesar and Dercon, Stefan
"Vulnerability to individual and aggregate poverty." Social Choice and Welfare 41.4 (2013): 721-740.
Garmaise, Mark J. and Natividad, Gabriel
"Cheap credit, lending operations, and international politics: The case of global microfinance." The Journal of Finance 68.4 (2013): 1551-1576.
Natividad, Gabriel
"Financial capacity and discontinuous investment: Evidence from emerging market multibusiness firms." The Review of Financial Studies 26 (2013): 2375-2410.
Natividad, Gabriel
"Financial slack, strategy, and competition in movie distribution."
Organization Science 24 (2013): 846-864.
Natividad, Gabriel
"Multidivisional strategy and investment returns." Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 22 (2013): 594-616
We exploit a randomized control trial involving 131 fellows of a higher education scholarship program, who study at the same university. Half of the students were randomly assigned to a youth community engagement initiative and acted as academic ambassadors in the diffusion of an electronic wallet in their local communities. They received training on leadership, teamwork and financial literacy. Also, their role as agents of change in their communities was constantly emphasized. They later delivered training and information sessions about the new electronic wallet to members of their local communities. Treated female students show positive effects regarding attitudes of empowerment, self-efficacy, motivation, and community engagement. On average, treated female students report being more appreciated by their community members, have a stronger sense of commitment towards their community, and report higher levels of self-efficacy. They also experience improved academic performance, measured in GPA and academic credits successfully completed. We do not find the same effects for treated male students.
Descarga el documentoWe experiment with a novel way to boost information acquisition that exploits existing social ties between the promoter of a new financial technology and community members. We offer information and training workshops on a new mobile-money platform in periurban and rural areas in Peru. In the treatment group, workshops are led by promoters who are personally known to the invited participants. In the control group, comparable individuals are invited to attend similar workshops, but the workshops are led by agents external to the community. Our findings suggest that lack of information impedes product adoption, which is itself limited by lack of trust in the individual who provides the information.
Descarga el documentoThis study evaluates the consequences of increased marijuana exposure during pregnancy on infant health in the US. Unlike previous studies on the impacts of marijuana, which rely on state-level variation to identify their effects of interest, I exploit county-specific measures of cannabis prenatal exposure using data on the precise location and opening date of every cannabis dispensary (legal point of sale for marijuana) in the country. Estimations based on state-level measures of increased marijuana access suggest no adverse impact on infant health. In addition, the estimated effects exploiting county-level variation in the opening dates of cannabis dispensaries, suggest that higher prenatal exposure to cannabis is unrelated to changes in infant health, once I control for county fixed effects and state-specific trends. Additional evidence from an event-study analysis with similar controls, corroborates that increased availability of marijuana during pregnancy is not linked to changes in infant health.
Descarga el documentoTwo competing strands exist within the theoretical literature on vulnerability to poverty, each with its own policy implications. Vulnerability may be seen as low expected utility and thus stress the danger of self-perpetuating poverty, as the poor shy away from risky, yet necessary decisions to escape their hardship. Alternatively, vulnerability is often construed as expected poverty and provides policy-makers with a forward-looking viewpoint that both sheds light and raises new questions on how best to formulate the targeting of social spending. This paper provides an overview of the theoretical work underpinning each of these competing views.
Descarga el documentoThis paper examines the effects of long term improved cooking stoves (ICS) usage on selfreported eye irritation symptoms and respiratory health in the Northern Peruvian Andes. To identify the effect of ICS, we exploit field data related to the quasi-random distribution of ICS with faulty iron frames. Our results indicate that ICS long term usage, with an operative chimney, reduces respiratory illnesses and eye discomfort symptoms among housewives. It is also shown that in the case of respiratory health, other household members may benefit from reduced household air pollution (HAP) exposure.
Descarga el documentoThis paper proposes three indicators constructed from the surnames of the current population to analyze the effect of mita, a forced mining labor system in Peru and Bolivia during 1573 and 1812, on historical migration. The underlying assumption is that surnames within a community might be the same over time unless migration or mortality displacement takes place. The mita case is particularly appealing for applying our indicators because the use of surnames was introduced in the study region only since the Spanish conquest in 1532. We estimate the effect of mita by using a regression discontinuity design similar to the one conducted by Dell (2010), which exploits the exogenous variation in its geographic assignment.
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